Course curriculum

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    • Tuina Demonstrations - Follow Along

    • Acupressure Point Locations

    • What is Tuina & How it Helps Children

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    Progress Report...Results.

    • Tuina4Kids-PinkEye-Followup_1080p

Course Description

Real Case Scenario In Action!

Did you know you can help reduce your child’s pink eye infection, right now, with your own hands by learning simple tuina massage techniques?  

For example, simply massaging the thumb in a specific way you can begin to reduce the inflammation in the eye within minutes, while simultaneously boosting your child’s immune system to fight the infection. Works faster than antibiotics.  

Many clients come to us distraught that their child keeps getting recurrent infections. They don't feel comfortable giving their children antibiotic drops over and over again.  

They are astonished at how simple it is to treat their child and reduce the eye infection. They watch their child feel better during their session.  

The same occurs when instructing the tuina techniques over the phone. A child begins to respond immediately to massage.  

Here’s The Secret,

It simply takes the right kind of stimulation to the body to send it in the right direction of repair activity and homeostasis, balance. Specific massage points clear accumulations in the body that would otherwise cause pain or illness. 

A child’s body responds rapidly to positive stimulation and has the ability to heal itself. If a child is treated early enough, even certain major health complications can be either averted or managed easier. 

Chinese medicine has figured out what to do and when. Their methods are based on Empirical evidence, fact stacked upon fact, clinically proven. Chinese medicine is an evidenced based medicine. 

Inside Tuina 4 Kids You’ll Find

  • Video courses, showing parents and health care workers how to help their children. (We’ll  be releasing new content for many different medical ailments as time goes on)

  • We break down massage movements very simply. 

  • We cover different age groups, Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers & School Kids.

  • There are supplemental PDF presentations to understand the methods and why it’s important.

  • Real Case Scenario to follow along (seeing is believing)

This course will be demonstrating acu-pressure techniques to promote health and support the immune system. Our mission is to empower parents with their kid’s health, using natural and safe methods that you can do anywhere anytime, as often as necessary.

TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine / Tuina = Chinese medical massage

Benefits of Tuina Massage

  1. Boost your child’s immune system

  2. Reduce a fever within minutes

  3. Support their digestive health

  4. Help infants to feel calm and sleep better (Parents too) 

  5. Fight Cold & Flu symptoms naturally. Stop Recurrent Colds. 

  6. Promotes bonding

  7. Setting up your child for a healthier future

I’ve been where you are, a parent scrambling to help their sick child in the middle of the night, rushing to the Pediatrician, sleepless nights etc...  

I too was a “sick baby,” born 2 months premature, incubated for several weeks, grew up with lung problems, environmental allergies, allergic to dairy and gluten, and chronic constipation until adulthood. 

Not anymore, thanks to TCM & Tuina.

Not only do I know the struggle as a Parent and as the Child, I know of viable medical solutions. 

Don’t waste any more time struggling with your child’s health. 

Take control now. 

Educate yourself.

Sign up for my courses. 


Lesson price is $77.

One time fee. Never expires. 

Money back guarantee. 

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Just in time to help my son

Tian Tan

My son was playing in the backyard, and something happened, his right eye got really itchy and swollen, and tear start coming out. Due to the Covid-19 situat...

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My son was playing in the backyard, and something happened, his right eye got really itchy and swollen, and tear start coming out. Due to the Covid-19 situation, I didn't want to take him to the ER room. A friend of mine told me about this online course treating Pink-Eye with Tuina, I've always believe in TCM practice, and thought to give it a try. It's very clear instruction, easy to follow, after about 20 min tuina , couple of hours later his eyes was back to normal, even though he didn't have Pink-Eye, I think the tuina would work with any eye problem not just limited to Pink-Eye.

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